The University of Murcia (UMU)

The University of Murcia (UMU) is an international institution with over a hundred years behind it, although its origins can be traced back to the 12th century. Today, it is home to more than 30,000 students (2,000 of them from abroad), 3,000 researchers and lecturers, and an administration force counting 1,200. The UMU is a reference for Higher Education in southeast Spain. At the same time it is a driving force in society in the Mediterranean Basin thanks to its Campus de Excelencia Internacional Mare Nostrum (CMN).
ACADEMIC OFFER. The UMU is an all-inclusive state university offering 60 degree qualifications – five of them dual degrees – 72 masters degrees and 36 PhD qualifications in Fine Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Health Sciences, Sciences, Social Sciences and Law. The UMU boasts 21 university centers in 5 campuses. In addition, the Universidad Internacional del Mar (UNIMAR) offers around one hundred summer courses in various areas of knowledge.
RESEARCH AT THE UMU. The University of Murcia is geared toward academic excellence and is a key player in the world of research with its 350 research groups, 4 research centers and institutions, the Office for International Research projects OPERUM and close collaboration with national and international industry. The UMU boasts international recognition while its quality has been tried and tested by the most important certifications: as example, the Faculty of Education is the only one of its type in Europe to hold the ECA Certificate for Quality in Internationalization (2016); and Computer Sciences, Biology and Veterinary Sciences have all received the national and international accreditacions. Elsewhere, our International Office holds the EFQM seal for Quality Management Systems.
INTERNATIONALIZATION. The UMU has signed agreements with over 900 universities around the world. With more than 20 years of experience, both the International Office and the Research Office OPERUM are very active and have extensive experience in hosting European and international cooperation and research projects and promoting research excellence. Every year 2,000 people take part in our mobility programs, making the UMU the regional leader in internationalization and a key player in the Mediterranean area. UMU has students of more than 50 nationalities thanks to the Erasmus+ Program and specific agreements and programmes with universities in Latin America, North America, Africa and Asia. Our university offers 4 degree courses in English (Law, Business Management and Administration, Primary School Education and English Studies) and 3 postgraduate programs (Biology and Mammal Reproduction Technology, New Computer Technologies and Physics).
DIGITAL UNIVERSITY. UMU is a pioneer university and leader in the Spanish University System in the implementation of e-administration offering a wide range of digital services and with well defined strategies to become a digital university, as is borne out by our Digital Transformation Plan.
CONNECTION WITH THE JOB MARKET. UMU students continue to pursue their academic training and develop their professional skills through the offer of internship programmes. The Entrepreneurship office “UMUemprende“ favours the creation of companies based on applications of scientific or technological research and knowledge results (spinoffs) as well as the development of innovative projects, favoring the University’s connection with society.
ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY. The UMU is the university in Spain with the second largest number of students with disabilities. Through its Diversity and Volunteer Service, the University participates in the ‘Inclusive Campus‘ Program financed by the Spanish Government, the ONCE and Fundación REPSOL, and it has been recognized as the Best Public Sector Organization Telefónica Ability Awards, the main award in the field of accessibility and integration of people with disabilities.
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. UMU is strongly committed to sustainable development through the initiative “ODSesiones”, a project to promote and raise awareness about the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, and through its “Campus Sostenible” incorporating new technologies in the development of renewable energies to foster saving, reduce emissions, be more efficient and better protect the environment.
MURCIA, A STUDENT’S CITY. Located in south-east Spain, the city of Murcia is the seventh largest city in Spain. The cost of living is not expensive and the city has much to offer in culture and tourism. The UMU has a strong presence in the local and regional community and plays a very important role not only in research and teaching, but also in the society itself, acting as an essential social engine and as a strategic bridge for every teaching and research activity, as well as for any investment to be carried out in the Mediterranean coast.