Hacettepe University
Hacettepe University carries out the Erasmus Programme since 2004 by close collaboration with all academic and administrative units. Within the framework of the Programme, project support is being given to all departments, students and academic staff by Project Support Office and they are encouraged to create and join the projects. We believe in the potential of each of them, regardless their backgrounds. Any project is an ideal opportunity to open their mind, get to know and understand the meaning of cultural collaboration by being involved in different kinds of aspect.
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine and the Institute of Public Health has numerous activities and a wide range of experience in conducting projects. The Institute is experienced in conducting quantitative and qualitative research among different population groups as well as health professionals and development of information, education and communication materials for both public and health professionals on various public health topics.
Department of Medical Education and Informatics is pioneering department in Turkey for developing and implementing innovative programme in different part of medical curriculum such as communication skills, simulation, interprofessional learning, and clinical education.
Some of the skills and expertise of the key persons are as follows:
Prof. Dr. Sarp Uner is a medical doctor with a PhD degree in public health/health administration. Dr.Uner`s main interest areas are health planning and service delivery, health human resources, primary health care research. He has worked as a researcher and consultant in different projects funded by different national agencies as well as projects funded by the WHO, UNFPA, World Bank and UNDP since 2000. He has various scientific publications on a range of public health and health administration and has experience in developing IEC materials for the public and health personnel.
Prof. Dr. Sevgi Turan has MSc in health education and PhD in curriculum development and instruction. Her research interests are health education, learning skills, self-regulated learning, curriculum development and assessment and measurement in medical education. She has various scientific publications on health education, and learning, curriculum development, assessment in medical education. She also actively works in the Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Medical Education Programs and Association for Development of Medical Education, Turkey.
Prof. Dr. Hilal Ozcebe is a medical doctor and public health specialist, and has PHD degree in Family Health. Her interest are health promotion programs, primary health care research, child and adolescent health, injury and violence prevention programs. Prof. Ozcebe was participated in the national and international projects on primary health care services, health promotion programs. She was involved into several training programs as a coordinator, and also national consultant for different training programs of Ministry of Health.